Climate Action. No Poverty. Affordable & Clean Energy.

Nyiinam Quality Briquettes

Renewable Energy

Every year mother nature produces millions of tonnes of bio-degradable waste materials which can be briquetted. Such waste materials are saw dust, bio waste from farms and bagasse.

Environmental Friendly

Briquettes are immeasurably cleaner than other fuel alternatives and especially charcoal because they do not contain any Sulphur nor carbon.

High Calorific Value

Briquettes have a higher thermal calorific value(4000 Kcal/Kg) and lower ash content. Compared to firewood or loose biomass, briquettes give much higher calorific value because of low moisture and high density.

About The Company

Nyiinam Quality Briquettes was established because of the urgent need to fight tree cutting for firewood and to make charcoal which are a very popular source of fuel.

Our ultimate goal is to reduce desertification in Siaya County and we will know we’ve accomplished that goal when at least 40% of the households and small business use briquettes.

Click the button below to learn more about us and what we do.

Upcoming Projects

Lorem Ipsum

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

Lorem Ipsum

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

Lorem Ipsum

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris inistra possedit.

Creating Sustainability

Our Mission is to develop, manufacture and supply high quality organic (Biomass) briquettes aimed at reduction of deforestation and accelerating conversation to renewable energy use.

Get in Touch

Have a question? Concern? Comment? We’d like to hear from you.

Click the button below to get in touch with one of our asisstants.